In "Almiya Tareekh" (Global History) by Dr. Mubarak Ali, readers are introduced to a comprehensive overview of world history that traverses through various epochs, civilizations, and cultures. Dr. Ali meticulously...
Asbaq E Tareekh by Maulana Waheed Din Khan is a comprehensive historical account offering insights into various epochs of human civilization, encompassing significant events, cultural shifts, and societal developments. Delving...
The "Concise World Atlas 7th Edition" by Simon Mumford is a comprehensive and visually engaging reference book that provides updated geographical information and detailed maps of the world. This edition...
Countries of the World: Our World In Pictures by DK offers a captivating journey across the globe through vivid imagery and insightful narratives. With a focus on cultural diversity and...
In "How China Sees India And The World," Shyam Saran delves into the intricate dynamics shaping China's perception of India and its global outlook. Drawing upon his extensive diplomatic experience,...
"PAKISTAN & WORLD WHO IS WHO (پاکستان اور دنیا میں کون کیا ہے؟)" by Dogar Brothers is a crucial resource designed for individuals preparing for a wide range of competitive...